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Get Token Metadata by Name

GetTokensDataByName retrieves metadata URIs for tokens by their names within a specified collection. This query is particularly useful for marketplaces to show metadata from tokens within a collection.

Explore the capabilities of this query! Modify the variables below to tailor the query to your needs.


    • $token_name: String - The name of the token to search within the collection. Example: "The Mexican".
    • $collectionId: String - The collection id calculated based on collection name and creator address. Example: "0xe6a7399d10406b993e25d8a3bf24842413ba8f1a08444dbfa5f1c31b09f0d16e".


    To get the collection id, you can use the python code snippet to get:

    import hashlib
    def standardized_address(creator_address: str) -> str:
        # Strip the '0x' prefix if it exists and format the address to be 64 characters long
        handle = creator_address.removeprefix("0x") if creator_address.startswith("0x") else creator_address
        return f"0x{handle:0>64}"
    def sha256_hex(creator_address: str, collection_name: str) -> str:
        # Process the creator address
        processed_address = standardized_address(creator_address)
        # Combine processed creator address and collection name
        combined_string = f"{creator_address}::{collection_name}"
        # Compute SHA256 hash and return as a hexadecimal string
        return standardized_address(hashlib.sha256(combined_string.encode()).hexdigest())
    # Example usage
    creator_address = "0xc0e3fbf8ae61056d66ce624d71ccf1888f879355cc4e364ef117249b5e3160a8"
    collection_name = "Aptomingos"
    # Collection Id is `0xe6a7399d10406b993e25d8a3bf24842413ba8f1a08444dbfa5f1c31b09f0d16e`
    print(sha256_hex(creator_address, collection_name))
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