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Create Aptos Dapp FAQ

Why do we use import.meta.env?

The template is built in a way that there are pages meant to be accessed only on DEV mode and pages that are meant to be accessed also on PROD mode. For example, “create collection” and “my collections” pages are only meant for local development and can only be accessed on DEV mode while the “public mint” page can be accessed on PROD mode. import.meta.env is the Vite way to know what is the environment the dapp is running on - DEV or PROD.

I tried to publish my dapp to a live server but getting 404 error

Might need to update the root route, if you deployed your site to then root route should be updated to my-repo

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that scans your components for class names and generates a static CSS file containing the corresponding styles at build-time.

This framework makes it easy to quickly author styles that are co-located with your component markup without incurring any runtime performance costs. It also helps you to maintain a consistent theme throughout your app that is responsive to light and dark mode.

To learn more about Tailwind CSS, please refer to their official documentation.

What is shadcn/ui?

Shadcn is a collection of accessible components that you can copy and paste into your app through their CLI tool. Since the source files live in your app’s codebase, you can customize them as much as you need to.

These components are built on top of Radix UI Primitives and are styled with Tailwind CSS. To learn more about shadcn/ui, please refer to their official documentation.

How to modify the theme?

The theme for this template is split across tailwind.config.js and frontend/index.css. The Tailwind config declares all of the theme colors, text styles, animation keyframes, border radii, etc. The root CSS file (index.css) declares the actual color values for light and dark mode as CSS custom properties (CSS variables), the base radius value, and applies any global CSS required.

For example, if you want to make all of the buttons and cards more round in your app, you can increase the base radius value (--radius) in index.css.

If you want to add a new text style, you can define it in the addTextStyles function towards the end of tailwind.config.js.

And if you want to modify the primary color of the app, you can update the HSL color values defined in index.css.

How to add components?

Additional components can be added through the shadcn-ui CLI. For example, if you wish to add a Switch component, you can run the following command:

npx shadcn-ui@latest add switch

This command will create a switch.tsx file in your frontend/components/ui directory that contains a styled switch component. For a full list of available shadcn components, please refer to the shadcn component documentation.

If you need to add a component that’s not included in the shadcn/ui collection, you’re welcome to add your own components under frontend/components or within the frontend/pages directory if they’re specific to the page that you’re working on.

How to add colors?

If you’re creating your own custom components or adding to the UI in some way, you may need to add some new colors. To add a new color, you must first define the light and dark HSL color values in frontend/index.css and then add the new theme color token to the theme defined in tailwind.config.js.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the shadcn documentation on theming.

How to add dark mode?

In an effort to maintain simplicity in the dapp template, only light mode is set up. However, color values are defined for both light and dark mode in the theme. If you wish to add dark mode to your app, you simply have to add the shadcn ThemeProvider and ModeToggle to your app. Once added, the UI will be fully responsive to both light and dark mode. For detailed instructions on how to achieve this, please refer to the shadcn dark mode documentation.

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